In May 2012 a dedicated group of individuals intricately involved in the Hangberg community established Hangberg Educational Trust (“HET”). It was founded on the belief that in tough socio-economic environments the cycle of weak coping mechanisms and poor parenting skills cannot be broken without quality early childhood interventions.
Since 2012 the executive volunteer team has hosted a highly popular annual winter dinner dance where funds are raised by auctioning donated prizes.
Read MoreHET was incorporated as a Trust (IT 1394/2012) by the Master of the Court on 23 May 2012 with two volunteer executive members (Tania Gray and Marquerithe Schreuder) and five trustees and a further two trustees added on 13 March 2015. The Trust is also registered with Department of Social Development as a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO 118-017) and with South African Revenue Services as a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO 930 0404 922).
Financial donations are gratefully accepted – for receipts, tax certificates, BEE certifications or any specific funder’s wishes please contact us at
The year-end of Hangberg Educational Trust is 28 February. Audited financial statements are available here.
The HET team is always happy to answer any questions or receive information.
Please contact us at: